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Calvary United Methodist Church

Church Council Minutes

January 20, 2020

Ted Curran called the meeting to order.

Attendance was recorded


Devotions:  Janet Smith led devotions


Motion made by Dave Mock to approve November’s Minutes.  Seconded by Bob Taylor.  Motion carried.


Remarks and Directions




- The committee made a motion to approve the Financial Secretary’s and the Treasurer’s reports for November   

   and December.  Seconded by Dave Wilson.  Motion carried.

- Motion to use the Advent/Christmas offering for the kitchen remodel.  Seconded by Nancy Curran.  Motion




- The switch on the sign out front has been replaced and the lights should be working.

- The cabinets and the counters have been installed in the kitchen.  Sinks still need to be installed.  Clifford’s

   will be installing the floor.  The electrician is close to finishing.

- The committee voted to stay incorporated for 2020.

- Security cameras have been installed but wiring needs to be checked.

- The church will stay with its current insurance company.

- A letter has been sent to First Night to let them know that we would like 2 months notice if we are going to be

  a venue.

- The committee was asked to check the lighting on the stained glass windows in the sanctuary.

- Working on locating bulbs to replace burnt out lights on the cross above the alter.

- Speakers on church safety will be in Franklin in February.

- Officers were elected: Dave Mock –Chair, Larry Slye – assistant chair, Louise Keebler Secretary.



- Did not meet in January.

-Ash Wednesday will be February 26th at 7PM.  Probably here.


Outreach and Witness;

- Motion made by the committee to approve the Mission of the Month list that was developed after polling the

  congregation. Seconded by Dave Mock.  Motion carried.

- Received a packet from Angel Tree.  We are on the list for next year.

- The committee shared that one of the Backdoor Café ladies from Town Towers passed away.  She has often

   helped at events at the church.



- February 2nd will be a Soup Luncheon benefiting the youth.

- Ash Wednesday is February 26th.

- March 15th will be Campership Sunday.

- Working on getting videos of the weekly church services on Facebook and our Website.



Local PPR:

- Have not met yet.



- Need a Lay Member to Annual Conference.

- Still looking for a head usher.  Andy will fill in until a replacement is found.

- Someone is needed to help John Warner on the auditing committee.  Dave Mock volunteered.



- Pastor asked us to consider our vision.  It was decided to poll the church for their ideas since it went so well

  with the poll for Mission of the Month ideas.

- A calendar has not been developed for the whole year.  If you want items added to the calendar contact the

  office.  Calendars for February and March were in the council packet.



Devotions for the February 17th meeting – Joe Keebler


Motion to adjourn made by Dave Mock. Seconded by Larry Slye. Motion carried.


Ted Curran closed in prayer.


Respectfully Submitted,

Janet L. Smith


Present: Janet Smith, Larry Slye, Nancy Curran, Ted Curran, Joe Keebler, Cheri Wilson, Dave Wilson, Bev Hipwell, Dave Mock, Bob Taylor, Jareb Wilson, Louise Keebler


Excused – Joe Womer, Karen Taylor, and Karen Cook-Motter

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