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Calvary Church offers many opportunities for prayer support during the week.  The first Wednesday of each month, the sanctuary is open for anyone who wishes to come and pray and meditate upon the word of God.


Card Ministry 

A greeting card is sent to one you know who is in need of words of encouragement form the Calvary Church Family.  Contact Betty Perry at 676-6206 with the name and address of the person in need.


Prayer Chain 

Calvary Church has a vital and effective ministry of prayer.  The Prayer Chain allows people to be in prayer quickly for the needs of family and friends.  This commitment is to be available to pray for the needs of others.  Information is passed along quickly via phone and email.  If you know of someone who should be placed on the Prayer Chain, call Nancy Curran at 677-8091 or the Church Office at 677-4091.



The Pastor and the Action Team members from the Church Family will visit any individual who is going through a tough time, ill, or in need of spiritual support.  Contact the Church Office (677-4091) with the name and address of the person when making the request.


Meditation and Prayer 

If you wish to obtain literature or booklets that will assist you in your daily meditation/ prayer time, please feel free to take 

any of the material available for the purpose in the rack on the wall of the back foyer.


Secret Prayer Partner (SPP) 

This ministry is for individuals interested in praying daily for one another. Once a year, names are drawn anonymously and participants make a commitment to keep their SPP in prayer daily.


Prayer Group 

Each Sunday at 9AM, a Prayer Group meets the youth room to lift up praises and prayer concerns for the Church and the Community.

Let us Pray for one another.

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